CHRISTMAS is another pagan festival
The truth is still the truth, even if no one believes it. A lie is still a lie even if everyone believes it. Just because you cannot see something does not mean that it is not there. Act now and take control of your future, pray to the Father in the Messiahs name and ask for forgiveness and teaching in his Way.
It is December 2022, we are approaching the date that most of the western world remembers a pagan festival. Yes, that's right, 25 December is a pagan festival. Now why would denominations and churches celebrate a pagan festival and attribute it to the birth of the Messiah? If you are reading this for the first time, take careful note of the below, get down on your knees and pray to the Father.
“The Truth About New Year’s!” is a well-written article by William H. Ellis, appearing in the December 1964 Plain Truth magazine. Though it is more than a half-century old, it holds up well. In his Plain Truth article, Mr. Ellis quotes from a book, 4000 Years of Christmas: A Gift from the Ages by Earl W. Count. Let me quote a little passage here:
Mesopotamia is the very ancient Mother of Civilization. Christmas began there, over 4,000 years ago, as the festival which renews the world for another year. The “twelve days” of Christmas; the bright fires and probably the yule log; the giving of presents; the carnivals with their floats; their merrymakings and clownings; the mummers who sing and play from house to house; the feasting; the church processions with their lights and song—all these and more began there centuries before Christ was born. And they celebrated the arrival of a new year! (pp. 20-21)
Many people,denominatons, teachers, churches, you name it, tak part in the pagan 25 December and the following new years celebrations. People follow these celbrations as a point of tradition Many do not realise the pagan roots of what they are celbrating as they have been taught and educated incorrectly. But that is not an excuse. So the below sets out the "real" story of those celebrations.
The Father made it very plain how He feels about pagan practices time and time again. One of the many warnings in Scripture is in Jeremiah 10:2. To be clear, we are instructed not to take part in pagan rites.
Jeremiah 10:2 Thus said Yahuah, “Do not learn the way of the nations,and do not be awed by the signs of the heavens, for the nations are awed by them.
And in Isiah we are specifically warned about insincerity in out worship. Many may think remembering a pagan festival is remembering the birth of the Messiah, but how can that be if the date being remebered is the rebirth date of a false deity? When we offer worship on that basis, our hearts are far from the Father as Isaiah said
Isaiah 29:13 And Yahuah says, “Because this people has drawn near with its mouth, and with its lips they have esteemed Me, and it has kept its heart far from Me, and their fear of Me has become a command of men that is taught!
Paul admonishes Christians in about conforming to the world in Romans 12:2
Romans 12:2 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you prove what is that good and well-pleasing and perfect desire of Elohim.
Nowhere in the Scriptures are we told to keep pagan holidays and practices such as e-a-s-t-e-r, c-h-r-i-s-t-m-a-s and new years day. Nowhere are we told to blend the Word into these practices - we are explicitly told not to do this, yet most churches and denominations teach it. This is babylon teaching.
The truth set out in the Scriptures is very different to what you have been taught. In celebrating 25 December, you are mixing paganism with worship of the Father. Remember the story of Nadab and Abihu starting in Leviticus 10:1. Nadab and Abihu took fire into the temple that was not the fire that the Father had authorised. A few spiritual messages there as fire is often used in the Scriptures to represent the presence of the Father.
So most denominations teach that it is right and fitting to remember the birth of the Saviour of this world on a pagan festival. Along with this, other pagan elements are added including trees, wreaths, mistletoe, carols etc. The vast majority in the world actually believe that 25 December is the Messiahs birth date, but nothing could be further from the truth. The Messiahs date of birth can only have been in Autumn, at the time of the Fathers Autumn Feasts, otherwise the Gospels are incorrect. We will work through this sequence further below.
A beautifully decorated Christmas tree is basically the centrepiece for most homes over this period. But have you ever wondered why and how decorated evergreen trees became such a big part? The tradition actually stretches back to pagan beliefs and festivals in ancient times of the rebirth of the sun deity (which coincidentally is 25 December).
When winter solstice came around, people would decorate their temples and home with the trees and wreaths because the plant represented everlasting life, peace and opulence. Various other civilisations such as the Vikings and the Druids, also used to bring the plant indoors as a celebration of life. It is a pagan ritual, celebrating the lengthening of days as winter is halfway through, and the sun deity is “reborn”. This festival was common amongst a number of cultures.
In 274 AD, the Roman emperor Aurelian (Lucius Domitius Aurelianus) established a feast of the birth of a new deity, a solar god – Sol Invictus (sometimes known by the Greek name Helios), the Invincible Sun which is on December 25. The Romans believed Sol died on December 21, before being reborn three days later on December 25. December 21 and the three days that follow are the shortest – and therefore darkest – days of the year in the Northern Hemisphere - sounds very similar to the Messiahs resurrection?
This festival combined the festivals of both the old sun god (Sol Indiges) and the new official sun god (Sol Invictus). This is undoubtedly where our current date for c-h-r-i-s-t-m-a-s date comes from although there is debate if it is this or the Saturnalia (another false deity) festival. The Saturnalia festival was from December 17 to 23, it celebrated the false deity Saturn. During the festival, Romans ate and drank to excess, slaves sat at the masters’ tables and were served by their owners, and the Romans exchanged small gifts. Does that all sound familiar to modern 25 December (and boxing day) practices? Constantine who lived a 100 years or so later than Aurelian, may have also had a hand in introducing the date into christianity beliefs.
So if you remember that day as the birth date of the Messiah, it is actually the date of the birth or festival of a false deity of one type or another - it is strongly pagan, usurps the Fathers salvation plan, and must be extremely offensive to the Father and Messiah. Incidentally, the Messiah is very frequently depicted with features that were previously associated with sun gods, such as a halo or a radiating crown of light appearing on his head and in a number of cases resembles the cross of the zodiac. I have also seen many nativity scenes with sun halos, and many other examples where the Word is watered into pagan belief, eg 12 disciples and there are 12 zodiac constellations - so where do you think of all this comes from?
There is a lot of information on the internet - please look it up to verify in your minds the pagan origins of this festival. The final choice is yours, but the battle is for your soul - please read on.
If you celebrate 25 December, who are you actually remembering because it was not the birth date of the Messiah - below I have set out when the Messiah could have been born and it is certainly not 25 December. The dates of birthdays were not celebrated by Hebrews, they were by Romans - another of many adopted pagan practices. Consequently the birth date of the Messiah was not included in the Gospels, but the seasons and events around the birth were and that enables us to determine when the Messiahs date of birth actually was. More on that further below.
Mistletoe is the sacred plant of the Druids, symbolising pagan blessings of fertility, wreaths represent the female sexual organ. And so the list goes on. All of these traditions are pagan in origin and refer back to the rebirth of the sun as the days start to get longer. Denominations have blended this paganism into their teaching, and simply state that this is the time we remember the Messiahs birth as we do not know when it was (but we do know the actual season, the Scriptures tell us, it is certainly not December). Blending pagan worship and the worship of The Father on a pagan festival day is teaching you that the Father and Messiah are a lower deity than a pagan deity. Otherwise the day being celebrated would not be the pagan celebration.
We do not know the exact day of the Messiahs birth, we are told in the Scriptures the month that He was most likely to have been conceived and from that we can determine the month in which he will have been born. The date cannot be anywhere near December and the date has nothing in common with pagan deity rebirth festivals. I will describe this further as follows.
Luke 1:26 And in the sixth month the messenger Gabriel was sent by the Father to a city of Galilee named Nazareth,……. 30 And the messenger said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favour with Elohim. 31 “And see, you shall conceive in your womb, and shall give birth to a Son, and call His Name Yahusha
The messenger Gabriel told Mary during the sixth month of the Israeli year that she would become pregnant with the Messiah. Now we know that Nisan is the first month and that is March/April in Gregorian months, so using the information in the Gospels, we can determine the month of the Messiahs birth
The schedule below sets out how the Israeli calendar months matches to the Gregorian calendar months.
The sixth month that Luke referred to was in the Israeli calendar, and is Elul, which is August/September in the Gregorian calendar. This is the month that Mary may have conceived the Messiah. Gabriel also told Mary that her cousin Elisabeth was already pregnant.
Luke 1:36 “And see, Elisabeth your relative, she has also conceived a son in her old age. And this is now the sixth month to her who was called barren,
Elisabeth was pregnant with John the Baptist. Being six months pregnant in the sixth month means that Elisabeth conceived John the Baptist in the first month of the Israeli new year, which is Nisan (or March/April in the Gregorian calendar), and John will most likely have been born in 9th month, which is Kislev (or November/December in the Gregorian Calendar).
Although we cannot determine the exact day in March/April that John was conceived, there are two dates of significance in the month of Nisan that when considering Scriptural patterns could have been the conception date of John. These dates of significance is the Feast days of Passover, within the Feast of Unleavened Bread, or First Fruits.
Soon after the messenger Gabriel spoke to Mary, Luke recounts that Mary went to her cousin Elisabeth's house where the John recognised the unborn Messiah and leapt for joy in Elisabeth's womb.
Luke 1:39 And Mary arose in those days and went into the hill country with haste, to a city of Yehuḏah, 40 and entered into the house of Zechariah and greeted Elisabeth. 41 And it came to be, when Elisabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the baby leaped in her womb. And Elisabeth was filled with the Set-apart Spirit, 42 and called out with a loud voice and said, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! 43 “And who am I, that the mother of my Master should come to me?
Given that the gestation period for a human baby is in the order of 37 to 42 weeks, Mary cannot have given birth to the Messiah in December or even January of the Gregorian calendar. To be a little more blunt, the Messiah cannot have possibly been born anywhere near 25 December. Anyone who teaches otherwise has either not read the Gospel of Luke or understand the Hebrew calendar or even the seasons in Israel – this is basic knowledge. It is hard to imagine a worse defilement of the Saviours birth, yet most denominations choose teach inaccurately and misguide innocent people.
Taking Marys conception date in the Israeli sixth month of the year, and adding the human gestation period to that month, we can determine that the Messiah could only have been born in the Israeli month of Sivan, which is the third month of the Israeli year. Sivan is May/June in the Gregorian calendar.
We cannot determine the exact date in May/June, but there is a date of significance in the month of Sivan that when considering Scriptural patterns could have been the birth date of the Messiah. The date of significance is what we now call “Pentecost”, it is one of the Feast days of Yahuah. “Pentecost” is a transliteration of the Greek word pentekostos, which means “fifty” or “fiftieth” and has significance in both the Old Testament and New Testament.
The Hebrews called Pentecost the Feast of Harvest or the Feast of Weeks. It is the celebration of the beginning of the early wheat harvest and is mentioned in five places in the Torah (Exodus 23, Exodus 24, Leviticus 16, Numbers 28, and Deuteronomy 16). On Pentecost after the Messiah sacrifice, the Set Apart Spirit was sent to mankind and the Apostles started preaching the Messiahs message to mankind, just as at the Messiah birth, He was sent to Mankind to deliver that message -what could be more fitting?
Pentecost celebrated the start of the grain harvest which is symbolic of the start of the in-gathering of believers (remember the Messiah used the grain harvest in his parables to talk about the great in-gathering of souls at the end of time). The feast involved sacrifice of unblemished lambs, bulls and rams, as well as bread offerings (Leviticus 23:16).
In the New Testament, Pentecost was the day that the Set Apart Spirit descended on the Apostles and other disciples following the Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension of the Messiah (Acts of the Apostles, chapter 2)
It is entirely conceivable that the Messiah was born on the day we now celebrate as Pentecost, but for us, that can only be an assumption at this time. The Feast Day with the New Testament descent of the Set Apart Spirit, and the day that the Messiah descended to live as a man
But the point is, the Messiah cannot have possibly been born anywhere even remotely near c-h-r-i-s-t-m-a-s day. As we mentioned above, the roots of the c-h-r-i-s-t-m-a-s celebration go deep into pagan religious rites. Nowhere in the Scriptures is there a compromise with paganism without disastrous results. Merging the Messiahs birth date into a pagan festival is effectively placing the Father and Messiah below the false deity that 25 December was for.
The observance of c-h-r-i-s-t-m-a-s is not a celebration of Feast days of the Father, as there are no Feast days that align with that date, nor is the celebration set out in the New Testament. The observance on 25 December was not kept by the apostles or early church, it came into being in 274 AD, through the Roman emperor Aurelian and was a feast of the birth of Sol Invictus as noted above.
A further and larger question is, if you worship on the day of false deity worship, to the name of a deity that is not the name of the Father and the Messiah, who are you worshiping? So, why do denominations keep the nativity celebration on 25 December when their teachers must know full well that the date is incorrect and is a pagan festival day? Many denominations are misled and misguided, people choose to follow the teaching that is given despite the warnings given in the Scriptures. This was the mistake that the Hebrews made where they consistently merged pagan worship with worship of the Father with disastrous consequences.
The internet contains many references to the adoption of pagan festivals in lieu of the Fathers Feasts. The shameful fact is that many churches widely advertise that the birth date of the Messiah is c-h-r-i-s-t-m-a-s, blending paganism and witchcraft into worship of the Father and the Messiah and we strongly urge you to consider these words before you choose to celebrate the day.
Some common information on the origin of c-h-r-s-t-m-a-s traditions is as follows. It all relates to false deity worship, does your church celebrate c-h-r-i-s-t-m-a-s? Who do you worship when you do so?.
The ancient Egyptians worshiped a god called R-a, who had the head of a hawk and wore the sun as a blazing disk in his crown (you will see in Messiah portrayals in many churches - who are they worshiping - it is the symbol of an Egyptian false deity?). At the solstice (21-22 December in the Gregorian calendar) the days started to become longer. The Egyptians filled their homes with green palm rushes, which symbolised for them the triumph of life over death (Do you have portrayal of the Messiah with the Egyptian sun god sun disk - who do you worship?)
In Northern Europe the Druids, the priests of the ancient Celts, decorated their temples with evergreen tree branches as a symbol of everlasting life.
The Vikings in Scandinavia thought that evergreens were the special plant of the sun god, b-a-l-d-e-r.
Early Romans marked the winter solstice with a feast called Saturnalia in honor of s-a-t-u-r-n, the god of agriculture. The Romans knew that the solstice meant that soon, farms and orchards would be green and fruitful. To mark the occasion, they decorated their homes and temples with evergreen tree branches.The festival of saturnalia honoured the Roman god s-a-t-u-r-n. The festival took place every year between the 17th and 24th December and was basically a week of eating, drinking and giving presents (sound familiar?). The first use of candles in December was during the saturnalia festival, where tall tapers of wax were offered to S-a-t-u-r-n as a symbol of his light and also given as a gift to guests.
In Greek and Roman times, ivy was the symbol of d-i-o-n-y-s-u-s (also called b-a-c-c-h-u-s), who was the god of wine and revelry. He wore ivy in his crown, and pagans believed ivy to be a symbol of eternal life. The Greeks and Romans practiced rites to honour this (do you have holy and ivy?).
The ancient Romans used decorative wreaths, made from laurel wreaths as a sign of victory, and it is believed that this is where the seasonal hanging of wreaths on doors came from (do you put out wreaths?).
Pagan derived decorations that are still seen at Christmas time include the green leaves and red berries of holly, mistletoe and wreaths (do you put out decorations?).
Carols sung at the winter solstice have been sung for thousands of years, but they were not originally c-h-r-i-s-t-m-a-s carols. Originally, they were pagan songs, that were sung at the celebrations surrounding the winter solstice festival (do you worship a false deity at the time of a pagan festival
One of our enemies most effective tools is to disguise false teaching and make it appear as truth. We all know that correct and sound doctrine is crucial to out salvation and growth in spiritual maturity, the spiritual battle around us is for your soul.
It comes as no surprise that the Father warns us many times in Scripture to be aware of false teaching. Believers need to be able to recognise false teachers in order to know when they are being led astray - worshiping the wrong festival, on the wrong dates and to a false deity is definitely being led astray. The Scriptures speak harshly against false prophets false worship and false deities and magic.
The Scriptures show that we offend the Father if we try to worship him in a way that he does not approve, refer to Exodus 32:5-7 and Nadab and Abihu Leviticus 10:1. Nadab and Abihu were destroyed by fire for coming into the presence of the Father with false fire. Fire in the Scriptures often means the presence of the Father, false fire could then mean false presence. Nadab and Abihu took worship before the Father in a manner that the Father had told them not to, they blended paganism with worship of the Father. There is a very plain message to us in this event, we should not go before the Father mixing paganism and worship. The Messiah lectured many times about false worship.
In Exodus 32:5-7, the Israelite's corrupted themselves for worshiping an idol, within months of having seen miracles that should have converted any non-believer. Those Israelite's paid for that trespass with their lives. Within months of giving your life to the Father did you fall back to worship on a false deity celebration?
Why then, given that the Luke sets out clearly the birth month of the Messiah, do church denominations deliberately and knowingly worship the birth of the Messiah on the wrong day, using the winter solstice pagan traditions within their worship. The answer is that many church denominations are thinly disguised pagan false deity organisations. They are leading people astray instead of teaching the truth so that people cannot find their way to salvation.
The question I have for anyone who celebrates 25 December is, why do you ignore the Feasts set out by the Father but elect to keep the festivals of false deities? How many churches celebrate the Fathers Feast days set out in the Scriptures, and instead follow pagan festivals - who are they worshiping?
Many churches teach that the Feast days are past and no longer occur, being replaced by the New Testament. This is totally incorrect and misleading. The answer is in the Scriptures, Zechariah sets out the end time events that includes Feast Day of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles).
Zechariah 14:3 And Yahuah shall go forth, and He shall fight against those nations, as He fights in the day of battle…….
Zechariah 14:16 And it shall be that all who are left from all the nations which came up against Jerusalem, shall go up from year to year to bow themselves to the Sovereign, Yahuah of hosts, and to celebrate the Festival of Sukkot. 17 And it shall be, that if anyone of the clans of the earth does not come up to Jerusalem to bow himself to the Sovereign, Yahuah of hosts, on them there is to be no rain. 18 And if the clan of Egypt does not come up and enter in, then there is no rain. On them is the plague with which Yahuah plagues the nations who do not come up to celebrate the Festival of Sukkot. 19 This is the punishment of Egypt and the punishment of all the nations that do not come up to celebrate the Festival of Sukkot
If a Feast day is kept at the end of time, why would it not apply now, and why do churches not make this known in their teaching?
Everyone has a choice to celebrate the actual Feasts that the Father has asked us to keep, the Spring and Autumn Feasts set out in the Old Testament. These Feasts after all set out our Salvation Plan. It is clear that most denominations and churches refuse to keep the Fathers Feasts, preferring instead to celebrate the pagan celebrations of e-a-s-t-e-r and c-h-r-i-s-t-m-a-s.
Now how do you think the Father considers people who profess to be believers, but mix their belief with paganism? How are those people different to the Israelite's in Exodus 32:5-7 or Nadab and Abihu in Leviticus 10:1?
The Scriptures set out clearly what is expected of us, we should not be adding or removing from the Scriptures, deliberately twisting the Scriptures so that people cannot easily see the truth.
If you are reading this, and disagree, you need to consider and carefully study the verses set out above, in context with the verses in the part you read. You may be unknowingly accepting teaching that is in error, and mixing paganism and magic with worship of the Father, that is not what the father has told us to do.
Remember the Fathers Feast days, these are the days of significance in the Fathers Salvation plan for mankind. These days are also aligned with the Messiahs birth and death and are clearly set out in the Scriptures.
On no account should believers remember the pagan black magic false deity worship days.