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What is death

"Life is like a candle flame, it can be extinguished at any moment. So be prepared, make the most of every second, for it may be the last." - Unknown

The concept of death is universal, and throughout human history, people have grappled with the mysteries and implications of mortality. The Scriptures provides insights into the nature of death and how it affects us. According to the Scriptures, mankind faces two distinct deaths with profound spiritual significance. These are physical death (the first death) and spiritual death (judgement). It serves as a reminder of the brevity and fragility of human existence and the seriousness of sin, which brings both physical and spiritual death. It calls for humility, repentance, and the recognition of our need for the Messiah (John 14:6).

The Scriptures set out that in the Garden of Eden, the serpent told Eve that she could disobey the Father, and she would not die. How untrue that was, and what an absolute disaster was brought onto mankind through believing s-a-t-a-n-s lies. But this same lie is repeated time and time again now, where most people do not see obedience to the Fathers commandments and the belief in the Messiah as a necessity.

The consequences of these two types of death are profound and far-reaching. Physical death brings grief, sorrow, and the separation of loved ones. It is a reminder of the frailty and brevity of human life, and it often evokes deep emotions and  questions about the meaning and purpose of life. On the other hand, spiritual death, which is the consequence of sin, has eternal ramifications. It results in the separation of the soul from the Father, and leads to permanent death. We can see the physical death, it is very real to us, but unless you believe in the Father and the Messiah, and study the Word, you will not understand the second death.
Many doctrines, denominations and alternative religions consider mankind to be an immortal soul that lives beyond death, that is, there is only a physical death. Some believe in reincarnation, some believe we go into a burning purgatory and then into heaven, others believe we go straight to heaven anyway. Many of these beliefs are from pagan origins that have been blended into teaching. But nothing could be further from the truth, these pagan beliefs are rooted in gnosticism and even further back in Egyptian and Babylonian mystery religions. The pagan belief is that death is not really death but just part of a mystical journey of an immortal soul. You need to consider that the pagan approach to death is just another of s-a-t-a-n-s lies (you will not die) and understand the consequence to you personally. You may be being deceived in exactly the same manner that Eve was.

In both the Old and the New Testaments, we are clearly taught that death is the penalty for sin, which is, by definition, disobedience to the Father's commandments.

So lets consider these two types of death:

The Physical Death
The first death that mankind faces is physical death, which is the separation of the soul from the body. The Scriptures teach that death is a consequence of sin, tracing back to the disobedience of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:17, Romans 5:12).

As a result of sin, all human beings are subject to physical death, and it is a natural part of the human experience (Hebrews 9:27). The Bible describes physical death as the "return of dust to the earth" and the "departure of the spirit" (Ecclesiastes 12:7). It is a universal reality that all (most) human beings will face physical death at some point in their lives.
Even those who have lived in faithful obedience to the Father (with a couple of exceptions) will eventually suffer physical death.

The Spiritual Death
The second death that mankind faces, is spiritual death, which is the separation of the soul from the Father. Spiritual death is not a physical phenomenon, but a spiritual one that is caused by a broken relationship with the Father and Messiah, sin, and non-repentance. The second death serves as a reminder of the seriousness of sin and the need for reconciliation with the Father through faith in the Messiah.

This second death is the separation of the wheat and the tares that the Messiah spoke of in Matthew 13:24-30, it is the time of judgement. The Scriptures teach that sin not only brings physical death but also results in spiritual death, as sin separates human beings from the Father (Isaiah 59:2, Ephesians 2:1). Only those who have never experienced new life in the Messiah will suffer the second death (Romans 8:13, Revelation 2:11, 20:6, 14; 21:8, 20:14-15)

The parable of the wheat and the tares
In this parable, the Messiah compares the kingdom of heaven to a man who sowed good seed (wheat) in his field, but an enemy came and sowed weeds (tares) among the wheat. When the wheat and weeds grew together, the man's servants asked if they should pull up the weeds, but the man instructed them to let both grow together until the harvest, at which time the wheat would be separated from the weeds and the weeds would be burned.

This parable sets out some relevant key teachings about the nature of the kingdom of heaven, the presence of evil in the world and the final spiritual death.


  1. Coexistence of Good and Evil: The parable illustrates the reality that good and evil coexist in the world until the final judgment. The wheat represents the true believers in the kingdom of heaven, while the weeds represent those who reject or oppose the Father's kingdom. This parable teaches that there will be both genuine believers and false believers or unbelievers within churches, denominations, doctrines and religions. It emphasises that the presence of evil and false teachings should not be surprising or unexpected, but rather a reality that this will persist until the end of time judgement.

  2. The Father's Patience and Judgment: The parable highlights the Father's patience and long-suffering in dealing with evil in the world. The man in the parable instructs his servants to allow the wheat and weeds to grow together until the harvest, indicating that the Father patiently allows for a period of time for repentance and change, giving people the opportunity to turn from their wicked ways and embrace the Scriptures. However, the parable also emphasises that there will be a final judgment when the wheat and weeds will be separated, and the weeds will be burned. This teaches that the Father's judgment will eventually come, and there will be a separation of the righteous from the wicked.

  3. Discernment and Discipleship: The parable highlights the importance of discernment and wisdom in identifying and dealing with false teachings and false believers. The servants in the parable were initially eager to pull up the weeds, but the man instructed them to wait until the harvest. This teaches that hasty and premature judgments can result in harm and confusion. It underscores the need for discernment and patience in dealing with the complexities of good and evil in the world, and the importance of true discipleship in understanding and living out the principles of the Father's kingdom.

  4. Ultimate Victory of the Father's Kingdom: The parable ultimately emphasizes the final victory of the Father's kingdom over evil. Despite the temporary coexistence of good and evil, the parable highlights that the wheat will be gathered into the master's barn, indicating the final triumph of the Father's kingdom and the ultimate separation of the righteous from the wicked. This is the spiritual death (second death) for those that have a relationship with the Father.

The Hope of Redemption:
Despite the sobering reality of the dual deaths that we all face, the Scriptures also offers a message of hope and redemption. The central message of the Scriptures, and also set out in the Fathers Feasts, is that death has no power over those that believe in the Messiah, have a relationship with the Father, follow the Fathers commandments and turn from sin (Revelation 2:11).

The Scriptures also say, that belief in the Messiah means that we will not suffer the second death. Just as death passed over the Hebrews in Egypt who accept the blood of the lamb, so accepting the Messiahs sacrifice as atonement for our sins protects us from the second death.

Through the Messiah, mankind can be reconciled to God and have the hope of eternal life (John 11:25-26, Romans 6:23). Spiritual death can be overcome through belief and practice (Ephesians 2:8-9). The Messiahs resurrection from the dead and his presentation to, and acceptance, by the Father as our grain offering for the new harvest demonstrates the Messiahs victory over sin and death, and offers the promise of resurrection and eternal life to those who believe in Him (1 Corinthians 15:20-34)

The Scriptures teach that those who have faith in and a relationship with the Messiah are no longer under condemnation or subject to the second death. Just as the blood of the lamb protected the Hebrews in Egypt from the final plague of death (Exodus 12:13), so accepting the Messiahs sacrificial death on the cross as atonement for our sins provides salvation from the ultimate consequence of sin, which is spiritual death (John 3:16, Romans 5:8). The Messiah, the Lamb of God, is the perfect and ultimate sacrifice that provides forgiveness, redemption, and protection from the second death for all who believe in Him (Hebrews 9:11-14, Revelation 5:9).

Through faith true believers are reconciled to the Father and receive the gift of eternal life (Romans 6:23, 2 Corinthians 5:18-19). They are no longer subject to condemnation and the second death, but have the hope of spending eternity with the Father and the Messiah (John 5:24, Revelation 21:3-4).

Belief in the Messiah not only provides protection from the second death, but it also renews true believers into new creations, empowering them to live a life of righteousness and obedience to the Father (2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 6:4). It brings about a restored relationship with the Father, the indwelling of the Set-Apart Spirit, and the promise of resurrection and eternal life (Ephesians 1:13-14, 1 Peter 1:3-4).

Believers are called to share this good news with others and to live lives that reflect the message of the Father (Matthew 28:19-20, Ephesians 2:10). It is a message of hope and redemption that offers eternal security and freedom from the fear of the second death.

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Web page last updated 22 April 2023


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