11-3-2022 I am Yehudi (Hebrew) by birth. My personal testimony resembles the life of my ancestor, Mosheh. I was born again by Ruach Ha'Qodesh into the Kingdom of Shamayim 7-29-1974. As of 2022 I am 65 years old, retired and living in a small town in Montana. I am isolated and alone. I have searched diligently for genuine believers in Yahuah Avinu, Yahushua Ha'Mashiach and Torah based fellowship groups without success. Are there any legitimate disciples anywhere in the United States--those who do not call The Messiah Yeshua and believe in false doctrines? If the answer is yes, please contact me at: lionofjudah1957@gmail.com. I am willing to relocate to connect with true brothers and sisters in Yahushua. I would love to find a single woman age 50+ interested in sharing her home with a mature sister in the faith. Shalom ve ahavah.