I am new to the Natsarim community but have found my way here through much diligent reading and study; plus more than a few bumps and bruises. That process has taken many years, some would say a lifetime.
Anyway, I admit to being just a little confused (Ok, may a lot). There seems to be little agreement among various groups in this community on who exactly is a Natsari. I also find it to be painfully isolating. Being a 24/7 caregiver, a retired senior citizen and member of the "at risk" population has been more than a little difficult. Sometimes I long for my old "Church" days, but just for the fellowship. I need no more beatings.
My study has lead to me placing a much greater emphasis on the Torah and that has been exciting and rewarding.
One issue I would like to understand better, how do you keep the Feast Days? Do you go all-in and celebrate much like a Messianic Jew or do you only keep the feasts in your heart, or maybe something in between.
Hi, how are you? It is nice to meet you here. This Ron and Aviyah in New Zealand.